We will undertake this self-evaluation in two phases.

Phase 1: National self-evaluation – 2 September to 20 November 2024

All local authorities will be asked to undertake a self-evaluation against Quality Indicator 6.4: Performance Management and Quality Assurance, using a specially developed tool. The below online briefing provides an overview of the approach, the templates and the submission process.

The Care Inspectorate team will analyse the responses to identify key strengths and challenges emerging from the evaluations.

Phase 2 – Validation activity – 20 January to 24 February 2024

The Care Inspectorate will select four local authority areas and will work with them to validate their self-evaluation. This will include review of documentary evidence and focus groups with staff and people who use services.

Participating local authorities will receive a validation letter and feedback on their self-evaluation.

A final thematic report will be prepared summarising the findings of the national self-evaluation and the key messages emerging from the validation activity. This will reflect national messages and share information about examples of innovative practice – findings will not be attributed to individual local authorities.

What you will need

We have developed a blank template, with guidance, to support you to undertake the self-evaluation. This template is available in word to allow you to develop your responses over time and share it with colleagues. However, final submission of the self-evaluation will be via the smart survey. If you have used the word version of the template to compile your responses, please paste your answers in to our smart survey using the link below.

This is the link to the smart survey for submission. This link will go live on Monday 2 September. Please make your final submission on or before Wednesday 20 November.

We have provided an exemplar of what a completed self-evaluation template may look like for your reference and guidance. We have also provided a Quality Indicator 6.4 illustration

For further information on privacy in relation to how this review is conducted please see our privacy statement.