Changes to the approach to Fostering, Adoption and Continuing Care Adult Placement Service Inspections in 2025/26
We inspect Fostering, Adoption and the Continuing Care Adult Placement Services using our Quality framework for fostering and adoption and adult placement services. Depending on the regulatory history of the service and our intelligence we carry out a “type 2” (Key Questions 1 and 5) or “type 3” inspection (Key Questions 1,2,3 and 5) using the following quality indicators:
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Staff vacancies in care services 2023
The percentage of care services reporting staff vacancies dropped slightly in 2023, one year after reaching a record high.
The Staff Vacancies in Care Services 2023 report, published today by the Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), provides data on vacancies reported by care services as at 31 December 2023. It is based on information registered care services provided as part of their annual returns to the Care Inspectorate.
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Factsheet on supporting meaningful connection when people are living with dementia
It is estimated that around 90,000 people in Scotland are living with dementia, with or without a formal diagnosis, and they make up approximately 65% of people who live in care homes for older people. Meaningful connection is essential for everyone, but people who are living with dementia can face particular challenges in communicating and in forming and maintaining relationships, leading to an increased risk of isolation and loneliness.
The Meaningful Connection, Visiting and Anne’s Law Project has published a factsheet which includes practical ideas and strategies for care staff, family carers, and anyone else involved in caring for someone living with dementia, while recognising that everyone is unique and will experience their dementia journey differently.
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Strengthening Our Protection Procedures
Protecting people is at the heart of what we do at the Care Inspectorate.
We have recently improved our protection procedure. It provides all staff with clear guidance of our intent and overarching proactive approach to protecting people, through both our scrutiny of care services and developing our workforce.
We have updated the procedure to reflect the updated national adult and child protection guidance (2022 and 2023) and include:
- updates legislation and policy guidance
- revised terminology for protection matters.
The updated procedures focus on protecting people experiencing care but also apply to concerns about staff, visitors or anyone involved in care.
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Recall: Boots Paracetamol 500 mg tablets (16s)
The MHRA have issued a medicines recall related to a specific batch of Paracetamol 500 mg tablets (16s), a product manufactured by Aspar Pharmaceuticals Limited and distributed by The Boots Company PLC.
For more information click here.
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