Annual returns deadline extended

Based on feedback we have received from providers and their representative groups about the pressures and challenging context that the sector is currently facing, we are extending the annual return submission period for an additional four weeks. We understand these challenges and are committed to supporting services as much as we can. As part of this, we hope this extension will allow more time for this work to be undertaken. 

We still plan to open annual returns on Monday 8 January 2024, with a revised deadline of Sunday 17 March 2024

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Joint inspection of adult support and protection in Dundee

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in the Dundee area has found clear strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported. However, inspectors also identified areas which could further improve.  

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Near Me in Care Homes

Near Me, video consultations can support residents to have their health or care appointments without having to leave their homes.

Tried and tested Near Me allows residents and staff to have free video calls with a wide range of health and care professionals as well as family members, plus connect with social care group events.

When an in-person visit is not convenient, possible, or necessary, video calling is better than a telephone consultation. Being able to see people offers lots of advantages leading to better conversations and advice. It may also avoid the need for a resident to attend A&E. Another benefit is that it is easier for multiple people (health and care professionals, relatives, and interpreters) to join a call and communicate, often necessary for care home residents.

You can apply for your own free Near Me Waiting Area by applying online via this website. If you have a waiting area but have not used it for a while it will still work.

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Deadline extended – Consultation on the new shared inspection framework for early learning and childcare (ELC) services, including childminding and school-aged childcare in Scotland

The deadline for responding to the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland’s draft version of the new shared inspection framework has now been extended.

You now have until 19 January 2024 to take part in an online survey comprising of 12 short questions relating to the new framework.

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Scottish Government publishes updated Funding Follows the Child and National Standard Operating Guidance

Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard is the policy framework for the provision of funded early learning and childcare.

The operating guidance was originally published in 2018 ahead of the 1140 expansion, however interim guidance was created in 2021 and 2022 to take account of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and to afford some necessary flexibilities in the system.

Following engagement with stakeholders, the operating guidance has now been updated.

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