Vernacare Clinisan Bodywash product recall

NHS National Services Scotland have published an urgent safety notice.

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Early learning and childcare (ELC) improvement programme evaluation

The overarching aim of our Early learning and childcare (ELC) improvement programme is to support funded settings across Scotland to improve the quality of ELC and meet the National Standard.

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New guidance on vitamin D supplements for residents in adult care homes

We have published new guidance on offering vitamin D nutritional supplements to eligible residents in adult care homes. 

Vitamin D is important for keeping bones and muscles healthy. Current advice is that groups at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, including people living in care homes, are advised to take a daily supplement all year round. This advice is based on recommendations made by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) in 2016.

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Digital maturity in social care organisations

The Scottish Government/COSLA digital maturity assessment survey supports the shift to embed digital ways of working as a pre-requisite to improving outcomes in health and social care.

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New practice note promotes postural care in services for adults and older people

Our new practice note supports good postural care in services for adults and older people and we are encouraging staff, providers and visiting professionals to download it and use it within settings. 

It gives guidance on supporting good postural care, and outlines the benefits and why it is important. It is aligned with best practice and the NHS NES strategy produced in April 2023 and available on Turas: Your posture matters, A strategic approach to taking care of it together.

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