Our datastore is an online statistics tool for professionals who need to know about care services in Scotland.  It can provide information such as the number of care homes for older people in a particular area, or how many complaints have been upheld in the last year.

The Datastore provides information about the type and quality of care services in Scotland.  All current services (as at the date of the file) are included in the datastore, services that cancelled since the last update are removed and newly registered services are added each month.

The Datastore is available to download in two formats: an excel format which contains some pre-prepared pivot tables to assist with data analysis and a csv format which only contains the data.  These files are updated monthly.  There is also a separate document available which has definitions and notes on each of the data fields and it is recommended that this is used alongside the main data file as a reference.

All content is available under the Open Government License, unless otherwise stated.  More information on this license is available here.

Our Intelligence Team compile and manage the information within the Datastore.  For help using this or any queries relating to its content or use then please email us enquiries@careinspectorate.gov.scot

You can find the latest datastore here


Datastore, year-end, are available below: