Counter Fraud, Bribery and Corruption

The Care Inspectorate will:

  • take all reasonable steps to prevent fraud and corruption
  • ensure we have processes in place to detect fraud and corruption wherever possible
  • investigate fraud and corruption where it is detected or reported
  • pursue appropriate formal action against those involved in fraudulent or corrupt activities

We will take action where fraud, bribery or corruption has been found to have been committed in accordance with our Formal Action Policy.

What to do if you suspect fraud, bribery or corruption

If you are an employee of the Care Inspectorate please follow our internal procedures for reporting concerns.

If you are not an employee of the Care Inspectorate and you believe that there is fraudulent activity taking place, please report this using the details below or you may wish to report your concerns directly to the police.

You can contact the Care Inspectorate directly:

Jackie Mackenzie
Executive Director Corporate and Customer Services
(Fraud Champion)
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Kenny Dick
Head of Finance and Corporate Governance
(Fraud Liasion Officer)
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Or you can write to Jackie or Kenny at the address below:

Care Inspectorate
Compass House
11 Riverside drive

You can if you prefer, report your concerns to Audit Scotland.

Further detail on the Care Inspectorate’s counter fraud, bribery and corruption approach can be found here.

Our position statement on Modern Slavery

What is Modern Slavery?

We recognise that workers recruited from overseas are a hugely valuable and important part of Scotland’s social care workforce.

Modern slavery is complex; but simply put, it describes a situation where someone is made to do something, and another person gains from this. Modern slavery is about being exploited and completely controlled by someone else, without being able to leave or belief that you cannot leave through threats by person in control. It includes
human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced compulsory labour.

Modern slavery is the deception or coercion of a person for the purpose of exploitation.

Modern slavery can be present in any social care setting and victims could be either staff working in a service or people who are using a service.

Our strategic aim

We will constructively work with partners to end modern day slavery in Scotland’s social care system.

Our regulatory response

Our purpose is to ensure registered care services provide people with safe, highquality care and to encourage services to improve.

We will be alert to potential cases of modern slavery and to listen sensitively and compassionately when people raise issues with us. We will respond in the following ways:

  • If we receive or discover information that may indicate modern slavery, we will identify and record this threat. We will do this even if the person contacting us does not refer to it as modern slavery.
  • We will refer identified and potential victims through our established safeguarding referral routes.
  • We will monitor registration applications to check for warning si-gns of potential exploitation of skilled workers from overseas.
  • We will seek out early indication that sponsor licenses are being exploited by working closely with Home Office and other partners.
  • We will not hesitate to take action including proportionate regulatory and enforcement action where modern slavery and unethical recruitment practises pose a potential risk of harm.
  • We will work with other organisations to prevent, disrupt and reduce the likelihood of modern slavery in social care.
  • We will monitor the modern slavery situation by submitting reports and updates to SMG and ET quarterly or yearly.
  • To support our work, we will develop staff awareness/training and procedures.