Joint inspection of services for children and young people in need of care and protection in Edinburgh

Inspectors have identified key strengths in the way children and young people in need of care and protection in Edinburgh are supported and cared for.

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New quality framework for care homes for children and young people and school care accommodation

We have published the new quality framework for care homes for children and young people and school care accommodation. 

Since 1 April last year, we have been rolling out a revised methodology for inspecting care and support services and this is now being rolled out for care homes for children and young people and school care accommodation (special residential schools). The changes build on approaches we have introduced in the past three years: an emphasis on experiences and outcomes; proportionate approaches in services that perform well; shorter inspection reports; and a focus on supporting improvement in quality.

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Deadline extended: No Deal - EU Exit - Social Care Survey

The Scottish Government is working with a wide range of local and national organisations to help support contingency planning in the social care sector in response to the possibility of a No Deal EU exit. As part of this work they have commissioned Scottish Care to research the social care sector's preparedness, levels of contingency planning and resilience factors. This will mean over the next few months as part of this work, they will be looking for sector leaders to share their concerns in 3 separate survey's. These surveys will start by looking at clinical consumables.

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Public urged to keep eyes open for children at risk

Everyone in Scotland is being encouraged to keep their Eyes Open for children at risk during the school holidays. As schools prepare to ring the end of term bell for the holidays, a national child protection organisation is urging everyone to be extra observant to help protect potentially vulnerable children while school’s out for summer.

Child Protection Committees Scotland, a nation-wide grouping of child protection professionals hopes that members of the public will keep their eyes open and play a part to keep children safe from harm during the long break in the school routine.

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Technology Supporting People

Campaign encourages people to take control of their health, care and wellbeing using everyday technology.

A new campaign launched by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) encourages people to use everyday technology such as mobile phones and tablets to control and manage their own health, care and wellbeing.

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