We would like to bring to your attention a new Q Special Interest Group (SIG) – the Improvement Research Network.
This SIG has been established through Q and the Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre (SISCC), to bridge the gap between academics in the fields of improvement and implementation science and improvement practitioners. The SIG will create a forum to enable cross-sectoral collaboration through the sharing of ideas, challenges and knowledge.
Often researchers face challenges around engagement, participation and dissemination of findings. Improvement practitioners can help researchers understand the gaps within improvement practice, refine research questions, and ensure their work has a ‘ready-made’ audience by focusing on the needs and the gaps. Improvement practitioners recognise the challenges facing their practice and engagement with researchers will provide collaborative opportunities to explore and consider new ideas to address challenges and help shape the future research agenda.
Our aim is to utilise this SIG to start a community of mutual interest and benefits. It has the opportunity to start conversations and to look at the evidence-base beyond that can help and support improvement activities, i.e. context, behaviour change, improvement methods and spread and sustainability.
The next meeting of the Improvement Research Network will be held on Thursday 23 January, 1-4pm at Delta House in Glasgow – where we will be looking at examples of how working with practitioners can enhance the research and exploring the differences between improvement and implementation science from a practitioners perspective.
We have attached a flyer for the event; if you or one of your colleagues would like to join us – Register for the event here
Julie Anderson
Associate Director
Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
University of Dundee
David Elder
Networks Advisor
Improvement Hub (ihub)
Networks, QI Development
Healthcare Improvement Scotland