We are currently reviewing our quality frameworks.
So far, we have published quality frameworks for:
- care homes for older people
- care homes for adults
- care homes for children and young people and school care accommodation (special residential schools)
- support services (not care at home).
As part of the review process we have produced a survey for providers/managers who have experience of using the quality frameworks.
We are specifically looking for feedback on the quality framework for care homes for older people which has now been in use for over a year, meaning that all care homes for older people have experienced at least one inspection using the new framework.
We have had some feedback since the introduction of the quality framework for care homes for older people, that one single quality framework for care homes for adults (including older people) would be welcome. As part of the survey we are asking if there should be a single quality framework for all care homes for adults (including older people).
You can give us your views by completing our short survey by Sunday 12 January 2020. This will help us in assessing the impact of the new frameworks and identifying any changes we need to make going forward.