Along with Healthcare Improvement Scotland, we carry out joint inspections of health and social work services for adults. From April 2016 Integration Joint Boards have been in place made up of representatives from NHS boards, local authorities third and independent sectors and those who use health and social care services. The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland Act) 2014 and guidance aims to ensure the provision of seamless, consistent, efficient and high-quality services, which deliver very good outcomes for individuals and carers. Each local partnership had to produce a joint commissioning strategy and a joint integration plan, for adult services. From 2017 we carried out inspections of health and social care integration focussing on progress made in strategic planning and commissioning.
Following a review of progress in health and social care integration by a Ministerial Strategic Group we have been working together with Healthcare Improvement Scotland to develop an updated inspection methodology, including a set of quality indicators to inspect against. This methodology is to determine how effectively health and social work services work in partnership, including the third and independent sectors, to deliver very good outcomes across the whole adult population
The inspection teams are made up of inspectors and associate inspectors from both the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland and clinical advisers seconded from NHS boards. We plan to have inspection volunteers who are members of the public who use a care service, have used a care service in the past or are carers and Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s public partners on each of our inspections.