As information, guidance and practice about Covid-19 is becoming established and less subject to rapid change, we are no longer maintaining the Covid-19 FAQs or the Covid-19 compendium. For key information, visit our Covid-19 information pages and the following links.
Guidance for Adult social care
- SG Adult Social Care Covid-19 guidance: This page holds for example guidance for adult care homes, visiting in care homes, care at home/sheltered housing, day care for adults, testing and vaccine.
- NHS Education Scotland: National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)
- Care Home IPC Manual (CHIPCM)
- CH Cleaning Specification guide
- NHS Inform, Coronavirus (Covid-19): Guidance for visiting loved ones in an adult care homeCoronavirus (Covid-19): Guidance for visiting loved ones in an adult care home
Guidance for early learning, school aged childcare and childminder settings
- SG Early learning, school aged childcare and childminder settings on reducing the risks of Covid-19
- Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare settings (2018)
- SG Routine Covid Precautions in Schools: guidance on reducing the risks in schools.
- ELC IPC elearning module
Guidance for Children and Young People (CYP)
Other useful links for all social care settings
- Health and Social Care Standards: my support, my life
- All social care staff can register for an account with TURAS using this link. Once registered you will have access to a range of online education and training including, IPC modules relevant to social care or equivalent. IPC Foundations module can be found on learn zone.
- SSSC Infection Prevention and Control modules
- PHS Social Care Guidance
- National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM): This is deemed good practice in all other social care settings that are not adult care homes.
- SG Test and protect: Information and support for people who are asked to self-isolate because of Covid-19.
- NHS Inform: Covid-19 guidance for general information about Covid-19 and associated Covid-19 outbreak protective measures.
- Winter (21/22) Respiratory Infections in Health and Care Settings Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Addendum
- Disposal of LFD tests: SEPA position statement.
- HSE Disinfecting Premises
- National Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Scotland Compendium
- SG Coronavirus (Covid-19): advice for people on the Highest Risk List