Exploring the delivery, experience and impact of services when young people are planning to leave care and after they have moved on

The Care Inspectorate are undertaking a thematic review in relation to the experience of young people in throughcare and aftercare. The roots of this work are in the following reports: A Way Home (p.27) and The Promise (p.93). Both reports suggested the need for reviewing transition services. In agreement with the Scottish Government, the Care Inspectorate has announced this review and work is underway.  

A team from the Care Inspectorate will find out how well services are supporting young people and making sure that their rights are respected. We are specifically interested in how young people are supported as they plan for leaving care and after they have moved on. These services may be supporting young people with housing, health or in relation to education or employment. They may also be working with young people who have decided to stay put, including young people in continuing care. At the heart of our approach will be ensuring that we elevate the voice of people with lived experience of these services.  

If you have been asked to meet with a member of the team or to complete a survey you should have received information about taking part. 

Thank you very much to everyone who completed our national survey which closed on the 22nd May. We have now analysed the information in the survey and it has provided a wealth of information that will help direct the next stages of the review. We particularly welcomed the good practice examples that were highlighted.

In the summer we will be taking a closer look in four different parts of the country. We are pleased to confirm that Shetland, City of Edinburgh, Dumfries and Galloway and North Lanarkshire will be participating in phase two of this review. The review team will be reading records with the lead professionals for five young people in each area in early August. We will then meet young people and staff in each area during two weeks in September. Alongside this, a survey will be open for all the young people of 16+ in and leaving care in each of the four areas plus all regulated housing support services. We will also issue a survey for frontline staff and managers.

We are looking forward to working with the four areas and hearing as much as we can from young people about their experiences and how they feel their rights are being upheld. In November 2024 we will report on what we have found.

More information about this review can be found in the following links: