Job title: Planning Manager

Responsible for: Planning Co-ordinator

Principal working contacts

  • Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance
  • Chief Inspectors
  • Service Managers
  • Team Managers
  • Strategic Inspectors
  • Inspectors
  • Business Support staff
  • Managers and employees of the Care Inspectorate
  • External agencies/service providers/service users and carers
  • Education Scotland

Job purpose

To manage and co-ordinate the delivery of national inspection planning across a wide range of social care services and services for children and adults to ensure that the Care Inspectorate makes the best use of its resources and performs effectively and efficiently as an independent scrutiny and improvement body.

Key responsibilities

Strategic management

  • In conjunction with the Chief Inspector, develop and manage systems and processes to support effective national inspection planning in order to meet corporate aims and objectives.
  • Build and maintain effective partnerships with Education Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and other scrutiny and improvement partners to support effective and efficient joint inspection planning.
  • In conjunction with the Chief Inspector develop and deliver strategies, action plans and targets for inspection planning in support of corporate aims and objectives.

Operational management

  • Manage and co-ordinate the effective and efficient delivery of scrutiny and improvement planning activity.
  • Manage and maintain scrutiny plans for the current year and draft plans for subsequent years, ensuring inspection planning activities are consistent with the Care Inspectorate’s objectives and targets.
  • Ensure that the provision of the inspection and capacity planning information is accurate, up-to-date and reliable for managers and staff throughout the organisation to support the planning and delivery of the Care Inspectorate’s scrutiny and improvement functions.
  • Plan and execute the strategic objectives for inspection planning systematically in alignment with the Care Inspectorate’s business objectives.
  • Promote continuous improvement in all aspects of inspection and capacity planning, including quality assurance and consistency of practice.
  • Participate in the recruitment and selection of staff as required.
  • Prepare and present reports to the Chief Inspector, Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance or Executive Team as required.
  • Deputise for the Chief Inspector and undertake such other duties as may be required by the Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance.

People management

  • Lead and manage a team, ensuring that they work effectively and efficiently to meet the aims, objectives and targets of Care Inspectorate.
  • Provide advice, guidance and support to team members through regular one-to-one supervision, performance development reviews and personal development plans to ensure continuous improvement in their work and support their personal and professional development.
  • Coordinate and monitor administrative support to the team
  • Promote consistent, high quality practice amongst team members, manage their performance and monitor their standards and behaviour.  
  • Promote the health, safety and welfare of staff in accordance with Care Inspectorate policies, procedures and guidance.
  • Promote diversity and equality of opportunity, ensuring that these principles are upheld across all areas of work.

Relationship management

  • As a manager, model corporate behaviour and demonstrate a strong commitment to organisational values.
  • Develop effective working relationships within the team and with managers and staff across the organisation ensuring effective collaborative and cross-directorate working.
  • Develop and maintain effective working relationships with partner scrutiny and improvement bodies and other key stakeholders.
  • Contribute to the continuous development of the Care Inspectorate and manage change effectively and creatively.
  • Promote the work of the Care Inspectorate and raise aware of its work in a positive manner.
  • Ensure effective working protocols in accordance with the Care Inspectorate’s Communications, Human Resources, Finance, IT and Operations function.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the Care Inspectorate’s aims, vision and values and to the Care Inspectorate’s overall objective of improving care in Scotland.
  • Ensure effective communication of the Care Inspectorate’s work with people who use care services, carers, relatives and advocates.

Other duties

This job may require some travel and may involve some overnight stays and unsocial hours.

This job description is a broad picture of the post at the date of preparation. It is not an exhaustive list of all possible duties and it is recognised that jobs change and evolve over time. Consequently, the post holder will be required to carry out any other duties to the equivalent level that are necessary to fulfil the purpose of the job, and to respond positively to changing business needs.