- Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
- Equality, diversity and inclusion statement of intent
- Meeting our Equality Requirements
- Publications
- Our policies and strategic workforce plan
- Our staff networks
- Race Equality in Employment
- Recommendations
- Our commitment to the recommendations
- LGBT Charter Champion Group
- First Minister’s National Advisory Council on women and girls (NACWG)
- Our position statement on Modern Slavery
- Age Scotland
- Carer Positive Employer
- Fair Work Framework
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Contact us
At the Care Inspectorate, we believe that people in Scotland should experience a better quality of life as a result of accessible, excellent services that are designed and delivered to reflect their individual needs and promote their rights. We are committed to advancing equality of opportunity, eliminating unlawful discrimination and fostering good relations between all protected characteristics.
Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
- We ensure that the voice of people who experience care is reflected in all our work
- We promote fairness, equality, diversity and inclusion in all that we do
- We promote dignity and respect and human rights for all
- We recognise and value individual differences and the contributions of all
- We treat people fairly and according to their needs
- We have a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation
- We have a culture where everyone feels valued and included.
As an organisation, our work, has a focus on people’s rights, choices and individual outcomes, the things that matter most to people. We continue to strive to put equality and diversity at the heart of all we do and that’s why we made equality and diversity a key principle of our Corporate Plan.
Equality, diversity and inclusion statement of intent
At the Care Inspectorate we’re committed to creating a culture that embraces equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging for everyone.
At the Care Inspectorate we value, celebrate and fully embrace to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion. This requires us all to recognise and respect each others’ differences. Creating an inclusive work environment where we all feel a sense of belonging helps us to do our best work, which results in the best possible outcomes for people who experience care.
We are a values-driven organisation, which means our values inform and guide everything that we do. Our key values of being person-centred, fair and respectful are the most relevant to equality, diversity and inclusion. We expect everyone to follow the principles that are set out in the Health and Social Care Standards as well as any relevant individual codes of practice.
As an employer, we want to increase the diversity of our workforce and would especially welcome applications from disabled people, people from a minority ethnic background, people of all ages, men (as we have a 79% female workforce) people from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community and people with care experience. We want a workforce that reflects the wider Scottish population that we serve.
Signed by our strategic leadership team
The strategic leadership team have signed this statement to demonstrate our commitment to leading inclusively and to show accountability on making equality, diversity and inclusion integral to the way we do things around here.
Meeting our Equality Requirements
Like other public bodies in Scotland, we are required to meet the requirements of the General and Specific Public Sector Equality Duties, as set out by the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012. We report on our equality obligations under the legislation every two years.
In our dual role as a scrutiny and improvement body and a public sector employer, we are committed to meeting our legal obligations in all aspects of our work. We are covered by general and specific equality duties arising from the Equality Act (2010) which helps us to integrate equality into our day-to-day work. We report on our equality obligations under the legislation every two years. Here are our publications:
- 2023: Equalities Mainstreaming Progress Report April 2021 - March 2023
- 2021: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021-25
- 2021: Equalities Mainstreaming Report 2019-21
- 2019: Equal Pay Policy Statement
- 2019: Equality and Diversity Policy
- 2019: Equality Outcomes, Mainstreaming Report and Action Plan 2019-21
- 2019: Equalities Occupational Segregation Data - Disability, Gender, Race
- 2017: Equalities Occupational Segregation Data
Our policies and strategic workforce plan
We appreciate and value our workforce and have a range of family friendly and flexible working policies available. We are proud of the range of inclusive work practices we offer colleagues.
We offer equalities training to our workforce and this is built into our induction and includes our managers and leaders. We have a supportive and respectful organisational culture that values equality and diversity and promotes inclusion for our workforce. Our robust people management policies and processes ensure people are treated with dignity and respect in an environment where bullying, harassment, discrimination and victimisation are not tolerated.
Our staff networks
We make time to listen to our colleagues and give them a voice to share their experiences, listen to their ideas and involve them in our work. We have online communities where we discuss equalities issues, one of the most active is our disabilities group, where group members shares lived experience, good practice and ideas for improvement.
The Corporate Equality Group drives the delivery and progress of the actions from our Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report. The group meets on a quarterly basis and supports the mainstreaming of equality in relation to all the protected characteristics listed under the Equality Act (2010) and is sensitive and responsive to intersectional identities.
The LGBT Charter Champion Group is a sub-group of the Corporate Equality Group. The group also meets on a quarterly basis. You can email the group using this address LGBT.Charter@careinspectorate.gov.scot
The Faith Group is a self-organised group which mainly meets in our Edinburgh office. The group focuses on faith issues, faith in the workplace and encourages employees to get together as a community in a social setting. This provides an opportunity for connection and awareness raising.
Race Equality in Employment
In November 2020 the Scottish Parliament Equality and Human Rights Committee published a report on Race Equality, Employment and Skills.
The Public Sector Leadership Summit on Race Equality in Employment took place in March 2021. At the summit, the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee highlighted the persistent issues that impact on outcomes for minority ethnic people in Scotland moving into, staying in and progressing in employment.
To help us with this vital work we are pleased to be working with CEMVO Scotland.
The Committee have asked all public sector bodies to accept their recommendations and commit to taking them forward.
- The Committee recommends those in public authority leadership positions undertake an assessment of their organisation’s understanding of racism and the structural barriers that may exist within their organisations. Public authorities should integrate their ambitions into their next strategic plan. Their strategic goal should be underpinned by specific outcomes and supported by timely monitoring. Public authorities should be transparent about their targets and their progress in delivering their outcomes.
- The Committee recommends public authorities should review their recruitment procedures and practice against the Scottish Government’s toolkit and make the necessary changes.
- The Committee recommends that all public authorities subject to the Scottish specific Public Sector Equality Duty should, as a minimum, voluntarily record and publish their ethnicity pay gap and produce an action plan to deliver identified outcomes.
Our commitment to the recommendations
The Care Inspectorate pledge to implement the key recommendations of the Scottish Parliament's Equalities and Human Rights Committee’s Race Equality, Employment and Skills: Making Progress? Report.
As public sector leaders, we will be bold and transparent. We will embed the recommendations into the strategic objectives of our organisation and the performance objectives of our senior leaders. We will use equality data to provide insights on race equality within the Care Inspectorate and we will take responsibility to assess our organisation’s understanding of institutional racism and proactively challenge and change practices that disadvantage minority ethnic communities. Vitally, we will ensure that minority ethnic communities are involved in shaping this change. We recognise that taking forward the recommendations represents not a final, but a further step, and therefore this work will form part of the continuum of activity and training to tackle racial inequality in employment, which will be aligned with the key principles of the Scottish Government Race Equality Framework 2016-2030. It is important that we make this commitment clear, not just to each other, but to our staff and people who experience care, who will hold us to account. We have therefore published this commitment on our website and social media.
We are pleased to share we are a signatory of the Business in the Community Race at Work Charter. We know that ethnic minorities still face significant disparities in employment and progression, and that is something we need to change. The Charter is composed of five calls to action for leaders and organisations across all sectors. We signed up to taking practical steps to ensure their workplaces are tackling barriers that ethnic minority people face in recruitment and progression and that their organisations are representative of British society today.
LGBT Charter Champion Group
We attend Pride events to increase visibility about LGBT issues and to be more proactive about being inclusive for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people as an organisation. Our commitment to inclusion and diversity, and to the LGBT community, has been recognised externally.
In 2018 we were awarded LGBT Youth Scotland’s Foundation Charter award and we are the first regulator in Scotland to receive this award. In July 2020 we were shortlisted for the Proud Scot Employer Award Large Business.
In 2020 we became a Stonewall Diversity Champion as we wanted to ensure that all LGBT staff are accepted without exception in the workplace. In February 2022 we achieved the Bronze Employer Award in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. In June 2022 we were delighted to be awarded the Large Employer Award by Proud Scotland.
Click here to watch a short film ‘Return to the Closet?’ by Luminate Scotland. Older members of the LGBTQI+ community worked with artist Glenda Rome to create a film which illustrated their thoughts and feelings around ageing, being part of the community and what care means to them and the support they’d want from care providers – whether at home or in care homes. Luminate commissioned the film with support from LGBT Health and Wellbeing. Luminate’s Principal Supporters are Creative Scotland, The Baring Foundation and Age Scotland. LGBT Health and Wellbeing’s LGBT Age Community Action Project is funded by Comic Relief.
First Minister’s National Advisory Council on women and girls (NACWG)
We are a circle member of the First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG). The NACWG was set up to advise the First Minister on what is needed to tackle gender inequality in Scotland and you can read their latest report here. We are now part of a group of supporters and advisors who help generate ideas and solutions that will inform NACWG’s work.
Our position statement on Modern Slavery
What is Modern Slavery?
We recognise that workers recruited from overseas are a hugely valuable and important part of Scotland’s social care workforce.
Modern slavery is complex; but simply put, it describes a situation where someone is made to do something, and another person gains from this. Modern slavery is about being exploited and completely controlled by someone else, without being able to leave or belief that you cannot leave through threats by person in control. It includes
human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced compulsory labour.
Modern slavery is the deception or coercion of a person for the purpose of exploitation.
Modern slavery can be present in any social care setting and victims could be either staff working in a service or people who are using a service.
Our strategic aim
We will constructively work with partners to end modern day slavery in Scotland’s social care system.
Our regulatory response
Our purpose is to ensure registered care services provide people with safe, high-quality care and to encourage services to improve.
We will be alert to potential cases of modern slavery and to listen sensitively and compassionately when people raise issues with us. We will respond in the following ways:
- If we receive or discover information that may indicate modern slavery, we will identify and record this threat. We will do this even if the person contacting us does not refer to it as modern slavery.
- We will refer identified and potential victims through our established safeguarding referral routes.
- We will monitor registration applications to check for warning si-gns of potential exploitation of skilled workers from overseas.
- We will seek out early indication that sponsor licenses are being exploited by working closely with Home Office and other partners.
- We will not hesitate to take action including proportionate regulatory and enforcement action where modern slavery and unethical recruitment practises pose a potential risk of harm.
- We will work with other organisations to prevent, disrupt and reduce the likelihood of modern slavery in social care.
- We will monitor the modern slavery situation by submitting reports and updates to SMG and ET quarterly or yearly.
- To support our work, we will develop staff awareness/training and procedures.
Age Scotland
We are working with Age Scotland to support our commitment to providing an age inclusive environment where staff feel valued, respected and able to reach their full potential at all ages and stages of their career.
Carer Positive Employer
We are a Carer Positive Established Employer and are committed to supporting our colleagues who are carers. We have recently made changes to our Carers Policy which means we offer up to five days (35 hours) paid time off to support carers.
Fair Work Framework
The goal of the Fair Work Framework is to ensure that by 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working life where fair work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and society.
The Care Inspectorate can support this vision by ensuring the fair work values run through the organisation and embedding fair working practices into everything we do. We are committed to building a Scotland which champions fair work practices and a diverse workforce.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Our work also supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The Convention sets out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children are entitled to. As a public body, we are required to publish a report on how our work supports the various articles of the UNCRC. 2020 is the first year we have been asked to report on the UNCRC. Our next report will be published in August 2023.
Contact us
If you would like to contact us, please email equalities@careinspectorate.gov.scot.
British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact us directly by using contactSCOTLAND-BSL.
2023: Equalities Mainstreaming Progress Report April 2021- March 2023.