Calling all carers who work with people living with dementia

A research team in the University of Strathclyde want to speak to carers who work with people with dementia at mealtimes.

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Older Persons Skin Workshops

This is the first of four Scottish Dermatological Nursing Society workshops to be held this year.

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Design guidance for early learning and childcare services – survey for parents and carers

We would like the views from parents and carers whose children use early learning and childcare facilities such as nurseries.

As part of the expansion of early learning and childcare to 1,140 hours by 2020, the Scottish Government, in collaboration with Scottish Futures Trust and the Care Inspectorate are developing design guidance for early learning and childcare service providers.  

The guidance will relate to the accommodation and the environment they provide.

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Joint inspection of services for children and young people in Moray

Services for children and young people in Moray need to make important improvements, inspectors have said.

Design guidance for early learning and childcare services - survey for services

As part of the expansion of early learning and childcare to 1,140 hours by 2020, the Scottish Government, in collaboration with Scottish Futures Trust and the Care Inspectorate are developing design guidance for early learning and childcare service providers.

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