A joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm in Highland

A joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm in the Highland area has identified a range of improvements that are needed, along with some strengths.  

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Significant Case Review, Angus Health and Social Care Partnership

The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland have published a report commissioned by the Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care in relation to a Significant Case Review (SCR) carried out by Angus Health and Social Care Partnership.

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Blog: The Growing a Good Life Team are now on social media

By Heather Edwards, AHP Consultant

Last year, a new Health and Social Care Improvement Team was formed within the Care Inspectorate to play a critical role in supporting services to provide safe, high-quality care and support. Our programme of work sits under the banner of Growing a Good Life.

We now have two new social media feeds on Facebook and Twitter that we hope will help many more people who are experiencing care to grow a good quality of life.

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Consultations on staffing in adult and older people care homes

Over the summer, our Safe Staffing Programme team held face-to-face consultations with a sample group of people living in adult and older people care homes and their family members. We asked participants about the staff, staffing levels and vacancies, and opportunities for going out in the local community.

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Blog: My New Home - Supporting people with a learning disability and advancing dementia moving into a care home

Blog by Sharon Ward (Inspector)

I was involved in writing this new joint guidance.  I had previous experience of developing services for people living with learning disabilities and dementia. This gave me insight into what worked in practice, as well as the pitfalls and barriers to people experiencing good outcomes.

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