Joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm in East Dunbartonshire
A joint inspection of services in the East Dunbartonshire community planning partnership has found clear strengths in ensuring children and young people at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported. Some areas for improvement were also identified.
Inspectors found that initial concerns were being responded to timeously and effective collaborative practice was helping to keep children and young people safe from harm.
Risks to children and young people at risk of harm were being reduced by consistent assessment and care planning, and by the support that services delivered in response.
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Revised quality framework for support services (not care at home)
As part of the our learning from the pandemic we have been working to update all our quality frameworks and we have now updated the Quality Framework for Support Services (not care at home).
We have made important updates to reflect the changing practice and policy context in which care and support is now provided. These updates include:
- introducing ‘core assurances.’ These are some things we will always look at on our inspections because they are key areas that are essential to a service being safe.
- adding a new quality indicator 1.5, ‘People’s health and wellbeing benefits from safe infection prevention and control practice and procedure’.
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Join our webinar on our revised quality framework for support services (not care at home)
We would like to invite people working in support services (not care at home) to attend our upcoming webinar on our revised quality framework and self-evaluation toolkit.
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Joint inspection of adult support and protection in Orkney
A joint inspection of adult support and protection in Orkney has found some strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported. However, inspectors also identified substantial areas for improvement.
Inspectors found that partnership staff worked collaboratively to support and protect adults at risk of harm.
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Join our webinar about the new staffing legislation
We are hosting two webinars on 25 April which focuses on the new Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019, that will be enacted on 1 April 2024.
The Act provides legal requirements and guiding principles for those who commission and deliver health and care services. It also places a statutory duty on care service providers to ensure safe and effective staffing and ultimately, the best outcomes for people using their service.
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