Brains and Bladders: The Anticholinergic Burden Conundrum or Managing Patients Within Nursing and Care Homes

Free half day professional development sessions open to clinical leads, medical staff, registered nurses, care home managers and allied health professionals.

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The changing functional needs and dependency of people living in care homes

The Care Inspectorate has been pleased to work with colleagues from NHS National Services Scotland to publish a new report into the dependency needs of residents in care homes. The report uses data from a large sample of care homes in Scotland to track how the needs of residents has changed over time. The important trends presented here will be of interest to people planning, commissioning and delivering care.


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Services for children and young people in West Dunbartonshire

Services for children and young people in West Dunbartonshire are improving outcomes for children and having a positive impact on their lives, inspectors have said, while noting that some services could further improve.

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NHS Education for Scotland workshops

In Partnership with the Care Inspectorate, NHS Education for Scotland are holding workshops to explore and discuss the following

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Healthcare Improvement Scotland - Delirium Video Links

The Older People In Acute Care Improvement Programme have created has created a series of three videos to complement existing work on delirium care. The videos continue to raise awareness of the importance of listening to family members and to further engage with a range of partners. The videos highlight three individual stories told by women of their mothers' experience of delirium. Links to these stories are below:

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