Survey to explore the life experiences of people with learning disabilities in Scotland

Survey to explore the life experiences of people with learning disabilities in Scotland is now open!

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Press release: Southfields care home, Falkirk

A care home in Falkirk must make urgent improvements in the care experienced by residents, inspectors have said.

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Social care survey

The Scottish Government is working with a wide range of local and national organisations to help support contingency planning in the social care sector in response to the possibility of a No Deal EU exit. As part of this work they have commissioned Scottish Care to research the social care sector's preparedness, levels of contingency planning and resilience factors. This will mean over the next few months as part of this work, they will be looking for sector leaders to share their concerns in 3 separate survey's. These surveys will start by looking at clinical consumables.   

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Celebrating our volunteers

If one word was to sum up our volunteers it would be Inspiring!

This week is Volunteers’ Week.  It is a chance to celebrate and say thank you for the amazing contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK. 

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New communication tools available for care homes for older people and care at home services

We have produced new communication tools for care homes for older people and care at home services in partnership with Healthcare Improvement Scotland.  The tools support managers and carers to gather and pass on information to medical support teams, particularly during out of hours, when the person you are with needs urgent care.

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