We have produced new communication tools for care homes for older people and care at home services in partnership with Healthcare Improvement Scotland. The tools support managers and carers to gather and pass on information to medical support teams, particularly during out of hours, when the person you are with needs urgent care.
We have produced forms for managers and carers that follow the situation - background – assessment - recommendation (SBAR) process and will help you capture the information call handlers and clinical staff need to establish the support they can provide. We have also produced good practice guides managers and carers.
Care providers helped us develop and test the tools and gave us feedback.
“It’s a very nice tool for everyone to use to confidently communicate with family members as all the information is in one place.” Manager of a care home.
“Staff are finding this useful but I think I am the one who is seeing the benefit of the information gained. With the information they are recording I am seeing the reasons why the team called, the actions they took and if that was in line with the residents ACP.” Manager of a care home.
You can find links to the tools below:
- Report on encouraging effective out of hours communications between care services and primary care
- Communications tool for care homes
- Communications tool for care at home and supported housing
- Good practice communication guide for carers
- Good practice communication guide for managers