A new guide to self-evaluation for care services

We have published a new guide for care services undertaking self-evaluation. Self-evaluation is central to continuous improvement. It enables care settings to reflect on what they are doing so they can get to know what they do well and identify what they need to do better.

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Updated quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection

In July 2018, we launched our quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection.  Designed to lead to improvement in services, the framework is for community planning partnerships to support self-evaluation of services for children and young people in need of care and protection.  We have now reviewed and updated the framework, and in particular made some minor changes to the six point scale definitions so that they align fully with the Care Inspectorate quality framework. You can download the updated quality framework here

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Placing people and values at the heart of our new corporate plan

By Peter Macleod, Chief Executive, Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate’s new corporate plan sets out our priorities for 2019-2022, including our aim to be an organisation that identifies, develops and shares good practice. I would like to do whatever I can to help drive more improvement and innovation in social care. Our corporate plan is based on what we have learned from our scrutiny, assurance and improvement support work over the past few years. It has been informed through wide public consultation and through collaboration with staff, providers, health and social care partnerships, local and national partners and, most importantly, by people who experience care. I am equally keen to ensure that person-led care and public involvement continues to be central to our work, by taking account of people’s stories and personal experiences.

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Update on the shared inspection framework

Today, we updated early learning and childcare services on the shared inspection framework with the following message.

Both the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland acknowledge the changes and pressures being experienced across the sector during this period of the early learning and childcare expansion and implementation of 1140 hours of high-quality early learning and childcare for all 3- and 4-year-olds, and eligible 2-year olds by August 2020.

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QI Zone Launch new Implementation and Spread eLearning module

NHS Education for Scotland are pleased to announce the launch of our new Implementation and Spread eLearning module on the QI Zone. This can be accessed via the digital platform Turas Learn here.

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