Today, we updated early learning and childcare services on the shared inspection framework with the following message.
Both the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland acknowledge the changes and pressures being experienced across the sector during this period of the early learning and childcare expansion and implementation of 1140 hours of high-quality early learning and childcare for all 3- and 4-year-olds, and eligible 2-year olds by August 2020.
Both organisations have been working collaboratively with stakeholders to develop a shared inspection framework. The framework is still under development and we would seek to consult further with the sector and partners in the future. Therefore, we have agreed with Scottish Government to defer the development of the framework until after the expansion has been fully implemented.
During this period, both Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland will continue to work together to strengthen working relationships and arrangements including ensuring wherever practicable that settings receive one inspection during a cycle. We will also further strengthen our model for shared inspections and our collaborative working practices.
Education Scotland will continue to use How Good is Our Early Learning and Childcare during inspections. The Care Inspectorate will continue to develop a quality framework for the sector in line with other care service types. This framework will take account of the national Health and Social Care Standards and best practice guidance. Until the new framework has been agreed, the Care Inspectorate will continue to use the Quality Theme Framework for inspection.
We appreciate the interest and support the sector has provided to date and we very much look forward to working with you in the future.
Kevin Mitchell Executive Director Scrutiny and Assurance Care Inspectorate |
Janie McManus Strategic Director, Scrutiny Education Scotland |