A joint inspection of adult support and protection in the Scottish Borders

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in Scottish Borders has found significant strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported.

Inspectors also identified a few areas which could further improve.

Key strengths:  

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Blog for National Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Day

At the Care Inspectorate we want to celebrate National Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Day by appreciating the contributions of our very own allied health professionals from across the organisation.

There are 14 different professions within the allied health professions family, and we currently have 13 members of staff with occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy backgrounds, in the Care Inspectorate.

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Screen Memories

Screen Memories is a charitable organisation whose aim is to connect people using virtual technology to promote inclusion and wellbeing. They support people to interact and reminisce about times in their lives that will bring back special memories, thus improving mood and reducing isolation and loneliness. 

We worked with Screen Memories on a project which involved 14 people who live in three care homes in different geographical locations in Scotland. The aim of the project was to give people an opportunity to connect with another care home via technology and to take part in a reminiscing activity.

To find out more read our flash report.

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Quality framework for nurse agencies

We have published the new quality framework for nurse agencies. It reflects Scotland’sHealth and Social Care Standards, which are rights-based, person-led and outcome-focused.

Thank you for completing our Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) survey

In July our Safe Staffing team asked for your help to enable us to gain insight into the knowledge and skills of staff who work in registered care services that employ staff across in social care in Scotland.

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