Role:              Organisational and Workforce Development (OWD) Assistant

Salary:           £22,464 to £24,831 (pending pay award)

Location:      Flexible

Hours:           35 hours per week

Contract:      Permanent

The Care Inspectorate is a scrutiny body that supports improvement in care. Our vision is the people across Scotland receive high quality care that meets their needs, rights and choices. We are a national organisation, employing in excess of 600 staff working across our network of offices.

The Organisational and Workforce Development (OWD) Team are focused on supporting colleagues in their role to make a difference in the quality of care for Scotland. The team’s purpose is to work collaboratively to develop our organisation and its workforce to be the best and to do that with energy, drive and determination.

The OWD Team provides a wide range of support from inspecting to involving people who experience care in shaping what we do, through to positively engaging and developing our staff and the wider organisational culture.

This is a permanent opportunity to join our OWD team. The role holder will support the OWD team to develop and deliver key OWD projects, with a focus on people, development and equalities.

The ideal candidate will have experience of working in an OD/HR/L&D function.  With a proven track record of supporting the delivery of projects, you will ideally be CIPD qualified or working towards completion. Demonstrable analytical skills, interpersonal skills and excellent verbal and written communication are also essential. This is a key role in the OWD team and a real opportunity to develop existing skills.

For an informal chat about the role please contact Kirstine Rankin, OWD Lead (People and Development) on 01382 346092. To apply, please download an application pack.

Completed applications should be emailed to by no later than 8am on Monday 3 June 2019.

Application Pack

Equalities Monitoring Form

Job Profile

Person Specification