Complaint details Please note we can only investigate complaints about registered care services in Scotland. We cannot investigate complaints about social workers, NHS services, schools or any local council matters such as housing repairs or bin collections. We also have no remit over the charging and billing policies of services and contractual issues relating to employment in the care sector. Please enter the details of your complaint:* This field can not be empty, please enter required information. If you have any leaflets or letters from the service provider this may provide useful information. Please attach it here. Desired outcome* This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Please tell us if you are...* - Select Value -Provider of other serviceFriend, relative or visitor of a service userProfessional visitor to a serviceHealth professionalMember of publicEmployee, ex-employeeMP/MSP/Local politicianService UserAdvocacy Support ServiceUnknown This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Have you raised the matter with the the Service Provider?* - Select Value -YesNoNot sure This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Notify person / provider of complaint* - Select Value -YesNo This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Service Provider Service Name Service Provider Description Do you wish to remain anonymous (Yes / No)?* - Select Value -YesNo This field can not be empty, please enter required information. If you choose to remain anonymous it may limit our investigation and we will be unable to update you with the outcome. Please ensure your contact details are correct so that we can contact you if we need any further information. Preferred method of communication - Select Value -E-mailIn PersonLetterPhone Call This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Personal Details Name Mrs Mr Ms Prof Dr This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Address This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Telephone This field can not be empty, please enter required information. Email Please use a valid email address. Confirm complaint details Please review the details of your complaint and confirm by clicking the appropriate button below. If required, you can go back and edit the details of this complaint before sending it. NOTE: The complaint will NOT be submitted until you click the submit button at the bottom of this page. Complaint type Care Inspectorate Who your complaint is about Care Inspectorate Change Details of complaint Complaint details Desired outcome Have you raised this matter with the Service Provider? Your status Your details Change Continue Submit complaint