Anne's Law factsheet

Download our factsheet that tells you all about Anne's Law.

Factsheet on What is Annes Law

Self-evaluation tool 

Download the meaningful connection self-evalution tool.

Self evaluation tool

Do you live in a care home? poster

The Do you live in a care home poster is for care services to display and explains that people living in adult and older people’s care homes have the right to visitors and to go out if they wish. Services should support this and not put barriers or restrictions in place even if there is an infectious outbreak, like Covid, or others in future.

Do you live in a care home poster    

Do you work in care? poster

The Care Inspectorate and SSSC have developed a series of Open Badges related to different aspects of meaningful connection. The badges, which are linked to a series of webinars and factsheets, provide an opportunity for staff to develop, reflect upon and evidence their commitment to supporting people to connect with others in the ways that are right for them. They can also help staff to evidence their Continuous Professional Learning.

Do you work in care poster


These factsheets were created to accompany our meaningful connection webinars.  

Open Badge   

The Meaningful Connection, Visiting and Anne’s Law project team have, in partnership with SSSC, developed a series of Open Badges on different aspects of meaningful connection.  

The badges, linked to the project’s series of webinars and factsheets, provide an opportunity for staff to reflect upon, develop, and evidence their understanding of and commitment to supporting meaningful connection in day to day practice. They will also be helpful for employers to use as part of staff training and development, and for staff to evidence their Continuous Professional Learning. The badges are geared towards staff working in care homes for adults and older people, but will also be of interest to those working in other services.  

Find out more here