Blueprint Consultation events - Aberdeen and Edinburgh

As part of the consultation on the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland the Scottish Government wants to hear the views of parents and carers and is running a series of Ministerial engagement events with parents in December. More information and sign up info can be found here

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New spotlight on The Hub: Bowel and bladder

We have added a new section to The Hub, focusing on improvement resources related to bowel and bladder health as it is acknowledged that this is key to maintaining/improving the likelihood of people remaining continent.

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NHS Tayside Only - Medicine Waste

In 2016 NHS Tayside issued a letter to managers of care homes in Tayside asking for support in ensuring best value from medicines and that medication waste is minimised. For more information see attached letter.   

In 2017 a second letter was sent by NHS Tayside explaining a new protocol for the uplift of returned medicines from care homes, aimed at reducing inappropriate medicines waste. The letter was supported by Scottish care and the Care Inspectorate. The protocol and letter can be viewed here

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Care Inspectorate Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16

We have published our Annual Report & Accounts for 2015-16. This was the fifth year of operation for the Care Inspectorate and this report highlights our performance on providing public protection and supporting improvement in care, across the almost 14,000 registered services that we regulate and inspect across Scotland.

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Early Learning and Childcare Statistics published today

The Care Inspectorate has today published early learning and childcare statistics for Scotland, showing how early learning and childcare is available for children and families across the country.

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