Blog: We are translating the theory of good care into real examples

By Henry Mathias, Strategic Lead for the Health and Social Care Standards

henrymathiasWe recently published My Childminding Experience, a resource exploring and sharing good practice examples from across Scotland of how childminding benefits children and families. This is one of the first Care Inspectorate early years resource to highlight the new Health and Social Care Standards in a practical setting and it marks another milestone in our new direction of travel ahead of these standards being rolled out in April 2018.

The new standards put the focus of care on human rights and wellbeing through a series of person-led statements such as “I am…” or “I experience…”. They will help us ensure that anyone’s experience of care is the best it can be, meeting the needs, rights and choices of the individual.

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Scottish Social Services Council: guidance for workers on using social media

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has updated its guidance for workers on using social media in a way that meets the SSSC Code of Practice.

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Continuing care for young people

We have been supporting the Staying Put agenda since 2013 and our role as corporate parents under the Children and Young people (Scotland) Act 2014 includes supporting young people moving from care to adulthood and independence.

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Blog: Achieving high quality care

By Karen Reid, Chief Executive.

Karen Reid June 2017It is important to highlight the good work that is being done in care at home and housing support services across Scotland and I am pleased to support the inaugural Home Care Day and, in particular, to be initiating today with a focus on high quality care.

We all recognise how important it is to enhance lives and improve wellbeing for a wide range of people. It is also important that we can enable and support people to live well in their own homes and be part of their local community.

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Safety notice/alert

We are aware of a number of incidents where children have left early learning and childcare services without an authorised adult. As you will know, this presents a significant risk to children's safety and well-being. There can be changes to services that may contribute to the potential risk of children slipping out unseen. There may new children who are still settling in, changes to staffing and changes to premises following work undertaken during holiday periods etc. In order to take a proactive and preventative approach we are reminding providers of their responsibility to ensure that individuals are observant of the children in their care, are knowledgeable about possible risk factors and follow safe and effective procedures.

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