NES Psychology of Dementia webinar

A webinar has been organised to launch a new educational resource developed by the NES Psychology of Dementia team.  Caring for a Person Living with behavioural variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD) is a series of resources specifically developed for those caring for a person living with bvFTD.

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Delivering care at home and housing support services during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Care Inspectorate has today published a report on how care at home and housing support services have adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland.

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Joint inspections of services for children and young people in need of care and protection 2018-2020

The Care Inspectorate has today published an overview report of joint inspections of services for children and young people in Scotland.

Between 2018 and 2020, the Care Inspectorate led a series of joint inspections of services for children and young people in need of care and protection in community planning partnerships across eight areas in Scotland – in partnership with Education Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland.

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Dementia care during Covid-19 pandemic

We have recently updated our resource ‘Dementia care during Covid-19 pandemic’ to take into account recent changes in guidance and best practice.

You can download a copy of the resource here. 

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Care Inspectorate report to the Scottish Parliament on inspections

The Care Inspectorate has laid before the Scottish Parliament a report of inspections it has carried out in care services in the past two weeks.

This report covers inspections completed since the previous report submitted to Parliament on 2 September.

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