Mental Welfare Commission Report 'Powers of Attorney and their safeguards'

Mr and Mrs D, a Scottish couple who have learning disabilities, faced years of mistreatment because their local authority failed to act to protect them.

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Mental Welfare Commission Report 'Powers of Attorney and their safeguards'

Mr and Mrs D, a Scottish couple who have learning disabilities, faced years of mistreatment because their local authority failed to act to protect them.

The Mental Welfare Commission's new report calls for a local authority to apologise for failing to intervene to protect Mr and Mrs D, despite evidence of financial and emotional abuse at the hands of a family member. 

The council held many documented concerns about the family member, who had power of attorney for the couple’s finances and welfare.

Download the report here

Download the easy-read version of the report here

If you would like to order hard copies, please contact Bob Rankine onThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0131 313 8777.

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Launch of serious incident review procedures

On 27 January the Care Inspectorate wrote to all chief social workers advising them that responsibility for analysing serious incident reviews had transferred from Scottish Government to the Inspectorate and that there was new guidance in place.

This guidance places a responsibility on a local authority to carry out a review when an offender subject to statutory supervision (excluding a registered sex offender) becomes involved in a serious incident.  Local authorities are asked to submit these reviews to the Care Inspectorate which will provide comment and which will aggregate the findings and lessons learned.

Separate guidance applies when registered sex offenders become involved in serious incidents (

Responsibility for analysing reviews of such incidents does not lie with the Care Inspectorate but with multi-agency public protection strategic oversight groups.

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Launch of serious incident review procedures

On 27 January the Care Inspectorate wrote to all chief social workers advising them that responsibility for analysing serious incident reviews had transferred from Scottish Government to the Inspectorate and that there was new guidance in place.

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New DVD ensures health and social services staff are Informed about Dementia

In the first joint education initiative of its kind in Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) have produced an educational resource for the entire health and social services workforce in Scotland.

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