Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland - Dignity Introductory Workshops

The QNIS Delivering Dignity Grants Programme aims to improve the dignity and healthcare experience of older people in Scotland.

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Care Inspectorate Chair Vacancy

The Scottish Government is now recruiting a Chair to the Board of the Care Inspectorate. The Chair will provide strategic leadership and direction to the Board and enable it to fulfil its responsibilities for the overall governance and strategic direction of the Care Inspectorate.

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Online Policy/Research Hub Survey

The Care Inspectorate is introducing an online policy/research ‘hub’, providing access to research tools and online training, publications and policy updates, as well as a good practice section featuring case studies from a variety of settings. 

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Aberdeen City Council Scrutiny Report

We have now published our scrutiny report on Aberdeen City Council's delivery of social work services.

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Care Inspectorate recruiting senior roles

We are now recruiting five senior Care Inspectorate posts.  The posts are Director of Inspection, Depute Director of Inspection (Children's Services and Criminal Justice), Depute Director of Inspection (Adults' Services), Head of Organisational Development and Head of Analysis and Business Planning.

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