Life changing opportunity for medical and health workers to go on funded Travelling Fellowships

If you would like to be funded to travel overseas to look at best practice and innovative programmes in the wide field of Medicine and Health, there is still time to apply for a life changing Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship.

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MHRA Alerts - August 2013

The Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority have issued a device alert for the following items.

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"Introducing Toothbrushing: A guide for childminders"

The leaflet "Introducing Toothbrushing:  A guide for childminders"  has been published by NHS Scotland and will support childminders to meet National Care Standards. 

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Watchdog report on Serious Incident Reviews

The watchdog responsible for inspecting criminal justice social work in Scotland, the Care Inspectorate, today published its first annual report on Serious Incident Reviews.

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Joint Inspection of Services for Adults - consultation on methodology

A joint approach to the inspection of adult services is being undertaken by Healthcare Improvement Scotland in conjunction with the Care Inspectorate to examine the effectiveness of collaborative working, primarily between health, social work and social care services for adults. 

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