Care News - Autumn 2014

The autumn edition of Care News is out now.

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New self assessments for childminders – complete by 14 November

The Care Inspectorate piloted a new approach to inspecting childminding services last year and, from 1 April 2014, we inspect childminders in a different way. 

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Early Learning and Childcare Statistics in Scotland, 2013

The Care Inspectorate has today published its annual report on childcare provision in Scotland. 

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The use of SOFI during inspection of care homes for older people

From October 2014 onwards, our inspectors will be using the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI) during inspections of care homes for older people.

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Essence of a Memory competition

The Essence of a Memory competition is part of the Luminate Festival of Creative Ageing, and will be open for entries from 1st - 22nd October 2014.

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