Now recruiting for Executive Director positions
The Care Inspectorate is currently looking for two exceptional Executive Directors – Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance and Executive Director of Strategy and Improvement – to lead the organisation and inspire our workforce through the next stage of internal and external reform.
This is an exciting time to join the organisation and both individuals will lead and oversee the work of new, restructured Directorates.
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NDNA and BNG free training for nurseries
Practitioners in private and third sector nurseries across Scotland can benefit from free training before the end of March 2016.
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NHS Education for Scotland (NES) NES Regional Events - Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Revalidation
Regional Events have been organised by NHS Education Scotland to enhance organisational readiness for the implementation of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Revalidation. NMC Revalidation will be introduced from April 2016, with all nurses and midwives required to renew their professional registration through the revalidation process every three years. The NMC Code and how it is used to inform the day to day practice is central to the revalidation of individual nurses and midwives.
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Elmwood College - Supported Accommodation, Cupar, Fife
A support service for people with additional support needs in Cupar has been praised by inspectors from the Care Inspectorate.
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Playing with risk: embracing the benefits with positive regulation - Save the date
Wednesday 27 January 10.00am – 3pm, Edinburgh
Keynote Speaker – Tim Gill (Co-author of Managing Risk in Play Provision)
with contributions from the Care Inspectorate, SOSCN, Play Scotland and others
Children and young people enjoy and benefit from challenging, adventurous play opportunities where they can test themselves and extend their abilities. Risk management in play contexts is different from workplace or factory contexts in one crucial respect - in play provision, a degree of risk is often beneficial, if not essential. Giving children the chance to encounter hazards and take risks provides other benefits, such as the chance to learn how to assess and manage these and similar risks for themselves. Hence accidents and injuries are not necessarily a sign of problems, because of the value of such experiences in children’s learning.
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