World Stop Pressure Ulcer Day - 17 November 2016

To support World Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day the Care Inspectorate are helping to support raising awareness and provide information about how to eliminate pressure ulcers.

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Vegetarian for Life (VFL): Caring for older vegetarians and vegans

If you care for an older vegetarian or vegan, the charity Vegetarian for Life (VfL) can help by offering online support, information and advice.  VfL is dedicated to improving the quality of life for older vegetarians and vegans, and works directly with individuals and providers of care services that cater for older adults.

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Aspirational Awards: Supporting care experienced young people to achieve their aspirations and goals

Life changes trust have launched their ‘Aspirational Awards’ for care experienced young people aged 21-26.

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Improving leadership in childminding

The Care Inspectorate is supporting the Scottish Social Services Council’s event ‘Improving Leadership in Childminding’.  This event is free for registered childminders, will take place on 21 January 2017 and is also supported by SCMA.

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Statistical bulletin on complaints about care

People in Scotland are using better quality care services, and are also more confident about complaining when services do not meet expected standards.

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