National Social Services Search

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Joint Thematic Review of MAPPA in Scotland published

Care Inspectorate and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland publish Joint Thematic Review of MAPPA in Scotland

Progress has been made on improving the way communities are kept safe and protected from risks posed by registered sex offenders, inspectors have said in a report published today.

Inspectors said good progress had been made in protecting young people from online exploitation by raising awareness of the dangers of “sexting”, and the way data is used to plan protection arrangements. However, more needs to be done in other areas.

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Uro sheath – An alternative to long term catheterisation and containment products

NHSGGC are running short educational sessions around the use of sheaths.

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Scottish Urinary Tract Infection Network (SUTIN) Newsletter June 2017

2nd SUTIN newsletter June 2017 –  In this edition, SUTIN are focusing on the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) resources around urinary catheters and continence.

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Joint inspections of integrated health and social care

The way health and social care is being delivered is changing in Scotland, so inspections are changing too. From 2017, the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland have a joint responsibility in law to inspect the quality of strategic commissioning – that is the way in which local authorities and health boards come together in integration authorities to plan and deliver health and social care.

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