Joint inspection of services for older people in the Scottish Borders

Health and social care services in the Scottish Borders are delivering some positive outcomes for some older people in the area, but there are also some key weaknesses in the delivery of some important services.

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Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland Shared Inspection Framework: Collaborative Working Group

Update for Providers/Partners


The Scottish Government published Education Governance: Next Steps - Empowering Our Teachers, Parents and Communities to Deliver Excellence and Equity for Our Children on 14 June 2017. This outlined a range of reforms designed to help us achieve our shared national vision for children and young people: excellence and equity.

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Letter to care providers about new Health and Social Care Standards

The Care Inspectorate has set out its expectation that all care providers, integration joint boards, local authorities, community planning partnerships and community justice partners will be using the standards from April 2018, in how they plan, commission and deliver care. You can read a circular letter from Karen Reid, chief executive, Care Inspectorate here.

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My Childminding Experience

Scotland’s five and a half thousand childminders are providing high quality early learning childcare, according to the Care Inspectorate, and two new resources launched today will help them continue to improve experiences for children.

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Press Release – Lynn of Lorne Care Home, Oban

A care home for older people near Oban has been told to make urgent improvements in the care provided to vulnerable residents.

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