Free awareness raising sessions

National Health and Social Care Standards

The Pickaquoy Centre Trust,Muddisdale Road, Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1LR

We are delighted to invite you to our National Health and Social Care Standards awareness sessions, which will be held on the 30th of January 2018 from 17:30 – 18:30 and 31st of January 2018 from 10:30 – 11:30 at Pickaquoy Centre, Kirkwall.

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Blog: Let’s celebrate our amazing young people this year

By Gemma Watson, Involvement AdviserGemma

Happy New Year everyone! This year, we have extra cause for celebration because 2018 is Year of Young People.

The calendar of events over the next 12 months aims to inspire Scotland through its young people, celebrating their achievements, valuing their contribution to communities and creating new opportunities for them to shine. It’s all about inspiring our nation through its young people’s ideas, attitudes and ambitions.

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MHRA Alert

Performance Health: Patterson Walking Frame Wheeled Narrow Medium

13 December 2017

Walking aids, walking frames

MHRA reference: 2017/011/008/401/013

To download the document click here.



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Supporting feedback and complaints and duty of candour incidents across health and social care

Working in partnership, the Scottish Government, NHS Education for Scotland, Scottish Social Services Council, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland are delivering four conferences across the country for all relevant health and social care staff including independent contractors and care providers.

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Blog: We need to continue to challenge the expectations of what it means to live with dementia

By Heather Edwards, AHP Consultant, Improvement Support Team (Portfolio: Dementia, Frailty and Palliative and End of Life Care)
When I joined the Care Inspectorate in January 2013 one of the first conversations I had with colleagues was about building on the work of Remember I’m Still Me, a thematic piece of research on dementia in care homes published in 2009 by the Mental Welfare Commission and the then Care Commission.
Last week, the Care Inspectorate published the report My life, my care home (The experiences of people living with dementia in care homes in Scotland). It presents the findings of our focused inspection work examining the extent to which the Standards of Care for Dementia are having an impact on the lives of people living with dementia in care homes. This report builds on some of the work of Remember I’m Still Me and sets the scene for a range of improvements in the coming years.

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