Beth goes from strength to strength

Residents at Forthbank Care Home, Kildean, Stirling are benefiting from Care about Physical Activity (CAPA) – a Care Inspectorate improvement programme to boost physical activity for older people experiencing care by having opportunities to move more.

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International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) – Roll out commences April 2018

New international food and fluid descriptors have been endorsed by the British Dietetic Association (BDA) for use in adult and children services.

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NHS Safety Action Notice

Reference: SAN(SC)18/02

Subject: Risk of death and severe harm from failure to obtain and continue flow from oxygen cylinders

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Food for Life Better Care Project: Whole settings approach in care homes

Food for Life Better Care is a programme of Soil Association Scotland.  The Soil Association is testing a framework that supports the provision of nutritious, sustainable food and activities that benefit residents, staff and the wider community.

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New strategy to improve care in Scotland published

The Care Inspectorate has published its new improvement strategy for 2017-19. 

Our inspectors, team managers, strategic inspectors and improvement support staff are all involved in supporting improvement in care. Our inspection work is increasingly focused on improving the experiences and quality of life for people, not just compliance against procedures and older standards. This new improvement strategy supports our direction, which is in line with Scotland’s new health and social care standards. Scrutiny that supports improvement is not only possible, but happens every day. Responsibility for improving a service always lies with the service provider but we play a crucial role in supporting improvement, as well as checking that the impact has been positive.

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