Blog: Our new model for joint inspections will focus on the most vulnerable children and young people in our society

By Helen Happer, Chief Inspector Strategic ScrutinyHelen Happer Photo

We’re changing our joint inspections of services for children and young people in community planning partnerships from April 2018. This revised model now takes a more focused look at the experiences and outcomes for children and young people who need protection or who are care experienced. As part of this development we will be revising some aspects of our methodology and we want to keep you updated as we roll out these changes.

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Care Homes – The Design Guide

The below information is now out of date - this guidance has been replaced with: 

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Consultation underway on draft quality improvement framework

We are consulting on a draft framework of quality indicators to support self-evaluation that leads to improvement across services for vulnerable children, young people and families. 

We are inviting anyone with an interest in this sector of care to give us their views.

You can access the draft framework and consultation survey here. 

The deadline for consultation submissions is 25 May 2018.

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Blog: I know how it feels to experience care and I want to let young people know they are not alone

Toni Twigg


By Toni Twigg, Young Inspection Volunteer

I am a young inspection volunteer and I have been volunteering with the Care Inspectorate for the past three years. 

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Angus Improvement Workshop

In Partnership with Ivan Cornford, Scottish Care integration lead for Angus, we welcomed delegates from social care services within the Angus area to our largest ever external improvement support workshop. This was an opportunity to share and learn about our improvement strategy to look at ways to support improvement.

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