Highland Care Agency Home Care & Support Services, Edinburgh

A care at home service in Edinburgh must make urgent improvements to the care experienced by older people, the Care Inspectorate has warned.

The Care Inspectorate served a formal Improvement Notice on Highland Care Agency Home Care & Support Services following an inspection which raised serious concerns.

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Blog: Children and young people’s involvement has been crucial in our new model for joint inspections of children’s services

By Karen McCormack, Strategic Inspector

This year, we are starting a new approach to joint inspections of services for children and young people in community planning partnerships. This new model takes a more focused look at the experiences and outcomes for children and young people who need protection or who are subject to corporate parenting responsibilities. We are also involving young people as part of the inspection team itself.

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Blog: Dementia ambassadors are an incredible force for change

By Heather Edwards, AHP Consultant, Improvement Support Team (Portfolio: Dementia, Frailty and Palliative and End of Life Care)

There are almost 90,000 people living with dementia in Scotland and it is essential that we support each one of them to live the best quality life possible. At the Care Inspectorate we are committed to ensuring that quality of life for people is not limited due to lack of expectations of what it means to be an older person living with dementia.

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Social Services Expo – 26 September 2018

Social Services Expo – 26 September 2018

The Social Work Services Strategic Forum is bringing the Scottish Social Services Expo to BT Murrayfield Stadium on 26 September 2018. This day will recognise and celebrate the work of the social services sector in Scotland and will provide an opportunity to learn about current innovation and developments across our social services.

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Four Seasons Improvement Workshop

In partnership with John Kirk, FSHC Director for Scotland and Victor Dewson, Regional Manager of FSHC, the Care Inspectorate Improvement Support Team (IST) led the largest external improvement support workshop to date, with around 70 delegates from FSHC attending from across Scotland.

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