MHRA Alert

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have issued the following alert:

CME McKinley: 100-100SM T34 Ambulatory Syringe Pump

29 August 2018

Infusion systems

MHRA reference: 2018/002/026/291/004

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Blog: We are focused on person-centred care that supports the best outcomes for people

By Gordon Weir, Interim Chief Executive

I was delighted to have the opportunity in my new role as Interim Chief Executive to help launch the Care Inspectorate’s latest improvement resource Animal Magic, which showcases the positive benefits for people when animals are involved in their care setting.

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Staffing Schedules – change to practice

The Care Inspectorate has traditionally issued a staffing schedule to relevant service types at the point of registration. This is a historical practice that has continued from previous regulatory bodies. The issuing of staffing schedules has been reviewed over the years, but the practice of some service types having a staffing schedule remains. We have recognised that the majority of staffing schedules in place do not reflect the changing needs of people who currently use the service. In a time of great change across the care sector, we want to promote innovation and also ensure people experiencs high-quality care and support that is tailored to their needs, rights and choices. High-quality staffing that responds dynamically to people’s needs is essential for this.

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Angels Day Nursery Ltd Paisley

A nursery in Paisley must make urgent improvements in the quality of care and learning experienced by children, inspectors have warned.

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National survey for registration

A consultation on the registration and variation processes for regulated care services

We’re reviewing our registration processes and we’d like your views.

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