Seeing the wood for the trees

As part of our ongoing work with Scottish Government promoting the development of outdoor play for children, we have published ‘Seeing the wood for the trees’.

This is an academic paper that charts how the regulation of early learning and childcare has evolved to improve children’s experience of outdoor play. The paper will contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the scrutiny of care and will be added to the course materials for the Professional Development Award.  There is considerable interest in the role that we are playing in supporting the flourishing of outdoor play in Scotland. For example, the Lawson Foundation is funding us to give a keynote address at a conference in Canada and our presentation will be based on this paper.

Read the paper here

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MHRA alert

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have issued the following alert:

Roche Diagnostics GmbH CoaguChek Test Strips for Point of Care and Home Use – risk of false high results

8 October 2018

MHRA Ref: MDA/2018/033

MHRA has published the attached safety alert in partnership with devolved administrations and it applies across the UK. Within Scotland, the alert applies to NHS Boards, local authorities and any contractors providing publicly funded health and social care services.

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The Healthy Living Award

The healthy living award is a national award which rewards caterers who make it easier for their customers to eat healthily. The award is supported by the NHS Health Scotland and the Scottish Government.

There are a number of care homes who currently hold the award and understand the importance of improving the health and wellbeing of their residents and staff through achieving the award criteria.

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Services for older people in Aberdeen

Good progress has been made on improving services for older people in Aberdeen, inspectors have said.

The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland today published a progress review of services for older people in the city after an inspection in 2016 identified “important weaknesses” in some aspects of performance by health and social care services in the city.

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Eat Well Age Well Project

Eat Well Age Well Project

Small Ideas, Big Impact Grants – Opening 1st October 2018

Food Train is launching the Eat Well, Age Well Project: Small grants being made available to support older people living at home who are at risk of becoming malnourished. 

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