MSP visit for Scottish Apprenticeship Week

MSP for North East Scotland, Bill Bowman visited the Care Inspectorate and Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) offices in Dundee today as part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week.

Peter Macleod, Care Inspectorate Chief Executive and Lorraine Gray, SSSC Chief Executive welcomed Bill who also met with SSSC and Care Inspectorate modern apprentices to learn more about the work they do.

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Blog: Animal Magic brings to life how special it is to be around animals

By Mary Morris, Team Manager

Last September we launched the resource Animal Magic, which showcases the positive benefits for people when animals are involved in their care setting. Since then we have had an amazing response to this resource and we hope that it is inspiring services across Scotland to think about how animals can help promote the best outcomes for people experiencing care.

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Introduction to International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative for Food Texture

Introduction to IDDSI for food textures delivered by local health care professionals. 

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Falsified Medicines Directive

The EU Falsified Medicines Directive (2011/62/EU) (FMD) aims to ensure that medicines in the European Union (EU) are safe and that trade in medicines is properly controlled.

The final part of the Directive, the ‘safety features’ Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161) comes into force on 9 February 2019.

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Bringing generations together

The Care Inspectorate is encouraging care services across Scotland to bring together younger and older people for everyone’s benefit.

A new resource full of good practice examples is being launched to give care services ideas on how to bring generations together in a variety of care settings in a way that improves the quality of their lives.

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