The effectiveness of strategic planning in the East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership

The planning of health and social care services across East Dunbartonshire is improving but challenges remain, inspectors have said.

A joint inspection which focussed on strategic planning of health and social care services and how effective this is in the partnership was carried out by a team of inspectors from Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Care Inspectorate between November 2018 and February 2019.

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FMD Alert

The Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) 2011/62/EU introduced new requirements to enhance the security of the European supply chain. Where the MHRA has identified risks to the security of the supply chain, FMD Alerts are issued.

The MHRA are recalling certain batches of two medicines to a patient level - Neupro 4mg/24hr patches and Vimpat 100mg tablets.

For more information on this FMD alert see MHRA website at link below

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We Asked, You Said, We Did

We Asked

We were required to review our previous corporate plan, with a view to developing a new corporate plan for the next three years, to set out its vision, objectives and priorities. We asked to hear your views on this and, in particular, on two specific questions in relation to the draft plan. We asked if the draft corporate plan captured the key priorities for the Care Inspectorate and if there was anything else that stakeholders wished to see in the plan.

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Principles for community empowerment

Community empowerment is relevant to all parts of the public sector and is an area of increasing importance given developing legislation and policies. 

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Barnahus standards

We were asked by the Scottish Government to work in partnership with Healthcare Improvement Scotland to develop standards to introduce the Barnahus concept to Scotland as part of our commitment to improving how the justice system serves children, young people and their families.

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