Aberdeen city joint inspection for children and young people in need of care and protection

Inspectors have identified key strengths in the way children and young people in need of care and protection in Aberdeen are supported and cared for.

The Care Inspectorate is leading joint inspections which focus on how well services are working together to improve the lives of children and young people who have experienced or are at risk of abuse and neglect, and those who are, or have been, looked after by the local authority.

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Significant Case Review page on the Care Inspectorate HUB

We have created a SCR page on the Care Inspectorate HUB that signposts to national reports and research, and relevant websites.  The page also signposts to SCR reports and learning summaries that have been published in the past 18 months.  To view the page click here.

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Peter Macleod appointed as Chair of the Technology Enabled Care Programme Board

Peter Macleod, Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate, has been appointed as the Chair of the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme Board from August 2019. 

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Call for Artists: Arts in Care Professional Development Programme

A new initiative to help improve the lives of older people through creativity, is being launched by Luminate in partnership with the Care Inspectorate, Creative Scotland and the Baring Foundation. Application deadline: noon, Wednesday 11 September 2019.

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Making the most of Attend Anywhere

Video Consulting clinics and services are being developed across the UK using Attend Anywhere.  With a principle of only asking people to travel where there is a clear benefit, this conference aims to showcase how Attend Anywhere / NHS Near Me clinics have transformed the way services are being delivered. 

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