Scotland Courses - Dysphagia Diets for IDDSI

Oak House Kitchen practical courses bring you all the knowledge and skills to transform the foods you make in your kitchen. With over 20 years working in the healthcare catering sector, we have the experience you need to make a difference.

The dysphagia course will show you how to approach ingredients and dishes in a simple, systematic way so you can make meals that fit the IDDSI Framework. 

For more information download the flyer here

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The effectiveness of strategic planning in the East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership

The planning of health and social care services across East Renfrewshire is improving, inspectors have said.

A joint inspection which focused on the strategic planning of health and social care services in the East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership was carried out by a team of inspectors from Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Care Inspectorate between April and June 2019.

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New quality framework for support services (not care at home)

We have published the new quality framework for support services (not care at home). 

Since 1 April last year, we have been rolling out a revised methodology for inspecting care and support services.  The changes build on approaches we have introduced in the past three years: an emphasis on experiences and outcomes; proportionate approaches in services that perform well; shorter inspection reports; and a focus on supporting improvement in quality.

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National AHP Dementia WEBEX

Warm invitation for all AHP staff to join the National AHP Dementia WEBEX – sharing practice; connecting people, connecting support.

Date - Wednesday 27th November
Time - 3.30 – 4.20pm (50 min session)
Topic - The delivery of a person-centred, Food First model of care, for people living with dementia in Highland social care settings
Guest presenter - Evelyn Newman, Dietician NHS Highland

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Caution in Use Alert: Emerade

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have issued a caution in use alert related to Emerade Pens (adrenaline auto-injector devices). The MHRA is advising that Emerade devices should not be recalled. Patients are advised to continue to follow existing advice to carry two in-date pens with them at all times. 

For more information see MHRA website.

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