Blog by Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Children and Young People

Happy new year! I am excited to be entering 2020 as this is, of course, the year when children’s entitlement to funded early learning and childcare will nearly double.

From August 2020, all 3 and 4 year olds, and around a quarter of 2 year olds, will be eligible for 1140 hours of early learning and childcare a year. funded by the Scottish Government and local authorities. That’s 30 hours a week if taken during school term time, or 22 hours a week year round.

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Blog: LGBT history month

by Peter Macleod, Chief Executive

As you may know, LGBT History Month takes place in February each year. It is an important opportunity to celebrate and show support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) culture and history.

I support those in the LGBT community and work with colleagues to ensure that LGBT issues are considered as an inclusive part of our overall activities.

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Joint inspection of services for older people in the Scottish Borders - progress review

Services for older people in the Scottish Borders are improving, say inspectors after a follow-up inspection by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Care Inspectorate.

The original inspection of services for older people in 2017 had identified some strengths in the delivery of services, but also significant weaknesses which resulted in 13 recommendations for improvement.

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Coronavirus – update from the Scottish Government

The Scottish Government have issued a letter from the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Catherine Calderwood with an update on the coronavirus. You can read the letter here

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Care Inspectorate welcomes Independent Care Review

Peter Macleod chief executive of the Care Inspectorate, has today welcomed the publication of the findings of the Independent Care Review.

He said: “This was a wide-ranging review and we welcome these findings as they relate to the work of the Care Inspectorate and the services we inspect and support to improve.

“Everyone in Scotland has the right to high-quality care which meets their needs and respects their rights and choices.

"Listening to young people describing their experience of care and support and reflecting that in the findings of inspections is of central importance to the work that we do. We recognise that we should change and improve how we do that.

“We have been working with those involved in the review to begin to make the necessary changes.”

To find out more click here

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