Near Me – new guidance for care home settings

Near Me is a video consulting service that enables people to have health and social care appointments from home or wherever is convenient. All you need is a device for making video calls like a smartphone and an internet connection. Near Me is a secure form of video consulting approved for use by the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland. Guidance is available for care homes, residential homes, housing associations and hospices

Further guidance is also available for implementing Near Me in:

Find out more at

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Covid-19 frequently asked questions

We are receiving questions from services on a daily basis. We have captured some of the most frequently asked questions and added a page to our website. We are updating this regularly as more information becomes available.

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Update for independent and voluntary sectors and childminders

We are aware that many of you have a number of questions following the Deputy First Ministers announcement that schools and nurseries will close from 20 March 2020.

In particular, there have been questions from the independent and voluntary sectors and childminders and what this means for them. Currently, local authorities are developing plans to support key workers childcare arrangements. Scottish Government are working on fact sheets for daycare and childminding providers with more detailed information, as soon as these are ready we will send these to you.

We appreciate these are very challenging times for you as you remain committed to providing high quality services for your children and families. We will continue to support you in any we can.

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Contacting the Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate is following Government guidance about working from home to keep our staff safe. 

In line with this we changed the way we are working and this includes the way we handle enquiries from the public.

Anyone who needs to contact the Care Inspectorate should email our Contact Centre via this email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

We are increasing our capacity to answer enquiries via email with dedicated inspectors able to respond to enquiries where necessary. 

Information for the public, the care sector and care professionals is available on our website and we would encourage everyone to check there in the first instance. 

Our offices are also closed to members of the public until further notice. 

If your enquiry is about the current coronavirus outbreak, you can find up to date information here.

We've also added a FAQs page.

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