Drug alert: Boots Dermacare

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have issued a drug alert concerning a batch of Boots Dermacare 1% w/w Hydrocortisone Ointment. The affected batch is recalled as a precautionary measure. This product is only sold or dispensed from Boots stores and Boots online pharmacy. 

For more information please visit here

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FN report

Care Inspectorate report to the Scottish Parliament on inspections, 30 September 2020.

The Care Inspectorate has laid before the Scottish Parliament a report of inspections it has carried out in care services in the past two weeks.

This report covers inspections we have completed since those detailed in our previous report to parliament of 16 September 2020.

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Caring with confidence title

Caring with Confidence, the Code In Action

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has today launched ‘Caring with Confidence: The Code in Action’.   Over the next few weeks the NMC will publish a series of bite-sized animations about key aspects of the role of nursing or midwifery professionals.  Each animation will describe one topic which is central to role of a nurse, midwife or nursing associate.

The first Caring with Confidence animation, focussing on the topic of accountability is available  on their Facebook page, Twitter page and on their website.

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whistleblowing report cover

Whistleblowing disclosure report 2019-20

We have just published our whistleblowing disclosure report 2019-20.

You can download a copy of the report from the publications and statistics area.

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Flow chart

Covid-19 outbreak notifications

We have changed some of our Covid-19 notifications to make them easier to use.

We have created four specific notifications to enable you to tell us when there are suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-19, and when these end.  

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